[MITgcm-support] Problems with the EXF package and binary input files

Dani Jones dcjones.work at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 09:16:43 EST 2023

Hello MITgcm-support listers,

I am having trouble with the EXF package while trying to force a regional
model configuration using external fields derived from ERA5. The
diagnostics output from EXF shows horizontal stripes or distorted results.

To set up my configuration, I followed these steps:

   - Downloaded a subset of ERA5 using the cdsapi package
   - Regridded the data onto my model grid using the xESMF package
   - Ran MITgcm for a few timesteps and checked the EXF diagnostics output

I have conducted various checks and tried different approaches to resolve
the issue, including:

   - Examined the contents of the ERA5 data
   - Examined the binary files for any problems
   - Tried "on the fly" interpolation with EXF and repeatedly checked the
   data.exf parameters
   - Checked the precision and endian-ness throughout the entire process
   - Created binary files using Matlab and Python
   - Updated to the latest version of MITgcm and recompiled with the
   - Tried every permutation of the dimensions for the binary files

Despite these efforts, the binary files appear to be fine, and it seems
that MITgcm/EXF is not reading them as expected. For further information
and details, I have documented this issue on GitHub with plots from the
diagnostics package and links to relevant files:


Thanks in advance for any assistance, guidance, or suggestions that you can

Best regards,

*Dr Dan(i) Jones* • Physical Oceanographer
Polar Oceans Team <https://www.bas.ac.uk/team/science-teams/oceans/> • BAS
AI Lab <https://www.bas.ac.uk/project/ai> • British Antarctic Survey
Website <http://www.danjonesocean.com/> • Twitter
<https://twitter.com/DanJonesOcean> • they/them
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