[MITgcm-support] OBCS_CHECK

Nadine Steiger Nadine.Steiger at uib.no
Fri Dec 20 10:30:12 EST 2019


I am trying to change my bed topography of a so far working setup, but 
get this error message:

(PID.TID 0100.0001) *** ERROR *** OBCS_CHECK:    10 errors in tile OB set-up
(PID.TID 0100.0001) *** ERROR *** S/R ALL_PROC_DIE: ending the run

My data.obcs looks as follows:
# Open-boundaries
# This flag turns off checking and fixing problematic topography across
# open boundaries.
   OB_Jnorth= 1000*-1,
   OB_Jsouth= 1000*1,
   OB_Ieast = 480*-1,
   OB_Iwest = 480*1,
   useOBCSprescribe = .TRUE.,
   OBNvFile = 'OB_NorthV.bin',
   OBSvFile = 'OB_SouthV.bin',
   OBCS_monitorFreq= 1200.,
   OBCS_monSelect = 1,

I found an earlier email thread where it was suggested to describe the 
open boundaries from reading in hFacW/S

In this thread someone writes that:
in fortran, the array sections are accessed (after reading in), as
  >       OBE = int(hFacW(NNX  ,1:NNY,1))
  >       OBW = int(hFacW(2    ,1:NNY,1))
  >       OBN = int(hFacS(1:NNX,NNY  ,1))
  >       OBS = int(hFacS(1:NNX,2    ,1))

So, I retried it, this time prescribing the boundaries as
OB_Jnorth = 1*0,719*-1,280*0,
OB_Jsouth = 1*0,719*1,280*0,
# OB_Ieast = 480*-1,
# OB_Iwest = 480*1,
where I got the values from hFacS.

In addition, I put a wall at the western and eastern boundary so i wrote 
and commented OB_Ieast and OB_Iwest in data.obcs.

Even with this more detailed description of OB_Jnorth/south, I still get 
the same error message.

What strikes me is, that it worked before and I really only changed the 
bed topography (which is very idealized) slightly.
The new topography works when I turn off the ice shelf package, the old 
topography worked with the ice shelf package.

What am I missing here?


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