[MITgcm-support] Coupled implementation: The atm and ocn frequencies for averaged output

Jean-Michel Campin jmc at mit.edu
Thu Apr 14 15:07:36 EDT 2016

Hi Wlademir,

I understand that TSR is top-of-atm. shortwave radiation, 
but I don't know what TSM is. Could you tell us what it is
and where does it come from ?

Otherwise, all what you describe seems correct to me.
Might be usefull to remove completly all output files form any rank_* dir
and make sure you you read-in OCN or ATM output from the right rank_* dir.


On Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 07:04:15PM -0300, Wlademir Santis wrote:
> Hello
> Using the cpl_aim+ocn as a first start, I've set the model with:
> Ocean time step=1200.0s
> Atm. time step=400.0s
> Frequency for coupled communication: 1200.0s
> Frequency for Averaged Output: 2592000.0s (30 days), for both
> When I plot the averaged anual cycle for TSM and TSR (top-of-atm. shortwave
> radiation), both averaged over the North Atlantic, while the TSM has one
> well defined cycle, the TSR shows 3 cycles over the year.
> The ratio of 3 between this outcome and the time steps for ocn and atm
> models makes me to doubt about my interpretation of the way the output
> frequenecy works.
> (I'm not using the mnc package, so my output comes in .data and .meta
> files.)
> I've assumed the atmospheric and oceanic models produce independent
> outputs, so the first output for both (after 30 days) would be:
> For atmosphere: Ttave.0000006480.001.001.data  (30days*86400/400)
> For ocean:Ttave.0000002160.001.001.data             (30days*86400/1200)
> Im trying to understand if I've made a mistake by programing my analisys
> scripts or by interpreting the model output.
> Could anyone say if my interpretation is correct?
> Thanks a lot!

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