[MITgcm-support] Coupled implementation: The atm and ocn frequencies for averaged output

Wlademir Santis wsantisj at gmail.com
Wed Apr 13 18:04:15 EDT 2016

Using the cpl_aim+ocn as a first start, I've set the model with:
Ocean time step=1200.0s
Atm. time step=400.0s
Frequency for coupled communication: 1200.0s
Frequency for Averaged Output: 2592000.0s (30 days), for both

When I plot the averaged anual cycle for TSM and TSR (top-of-atm. shortwave
radiation), both averaged over the North Atlantic, while the TSM has one
well defined cycle, the TSR shows 3 cycles over the year.

The ratio of 3 between this outcome and the time steps for ocn and atm
models makes me to doubt about my interpretation of the way the output
frequenecy works.

(I'm not using the mnc package, so my output comes in .data and .meta
I've assumed the atmospheric and oceanic models produce independent
outputs, so the first output for both (after 30 days) would be:
For atmosphere: Ttave.0000006480.001.001.data  (30days*86400/400)
For ocean:Ttave.0000002160.001.001.data             (30days*86400/1200)

Im trying to understand if I've made a mistake by programing my analisys
scripts or by interpreting the model output.

Could anyone say if my interpretation is correct?

Thanks a lot!
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