[MITgcm-support] Grid setup at the Poles using compute_grid_perface

Benjamin Ocampo rurik at ualberta.ca
Thu Apr 14 18:48:10 EDT 2016

Hi All:

I decided to try using the SPgrid program to generate grid points at the
This will be implemented into the Curvilinear grid set up in the program.

This was my attempt to make a regional grid at the pole using the following
MATLAB script:

clear all;
close all;
coef = 3.1415926535/180;
nx = 360;
ny = 50;
thetaN = (90-80)*coef;
theta0 = (90-90)*coef;
dtheta = (theta0-thetaN)/ny;
phi0 = 0;
dphi = (360/ny)*coef;
r = 6370e3;
for j = 1:nx;
        for k = 1:ny;
                theta = theta0+dtheta*(k-1);
                phi = phi0 + dphi*(j-1);
                x = r*sin(theta)*cos(phi); %For the conv. math desc.
                                                        % where theta = 0
at N-Pole
                y = r*sin(theta)*sin(phi);
                z = r*cos(theta);
                Cor(j,k,1) = x;
                Cor(j,k,2) = y;
                Cor(j,k,3) = z;

However, I end up with this error:

Error using subsasgn
In an assignment  A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B must be the

Error in netcdf/subsasgn (line 83)
      result = subsasgn(v, s, other);

Error in compute_grid_perface (line 305)

Error in polar_grid (line 28)

Unfortunately, I am not too familiar with compute_grid_perface.m to
what this error means or how to resolve it.

Is anyone familiar with compute_grid_perface.m? Any help would be
greatly appreciated.

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