[MITgcm-support] Setting appropriate start time after changing model resolution

Roland Young young at atm.ox.ac.uk
Thu Jan 29 07:59:54 EST 2015


I have a run where I want to change the spatial resolution of the output 
and then continue the run. In a previous post I was advised to produce 
binary input files for U, V, Temp, S, and Eta at the new resolution and 
then start a new run with these binary files using the PARM05 namelist. 
I have produced the binary files at the new resolution and that is fine.

My question is: is it possible to preserve the model time and iteration 
number in the continued run, or must these begin again from zero? I 
tried to start the run with niter0 set to the iteration number of the 
input as obtained at the end of the original run, but I get 
MDS_READ_FIELD errors as I am not using a pickup file to continue the 
run. I would like to preserve the model time and iteration number as 
otherwise the combined set of output files will have overlapping 
iteration numbers in their filenames.



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