[MITgcm-support] Actual depth of mds output vertical levels

Daniel Peixoto peixotohn at hotmail.com
Fri May 24 19:49:51 EDT 2013

Fellow researchers,

My vertical levels defined in input/data are delZ=4*1000. It means I have 4 layers, and each one is 1000 m thick.  The mds output files are 60 x 60 x 4 arrays. If I evaluate on Matlab:>> Temp=rdmds('T.0000000432');>> Temp01=Temp(:,:,1);>> Temp02=Temp(:,:,2);and so forth, what is the actual depth of each TempXX variable? 
I'm in doubt by looking at RC.data and RF.data. I'm assumingTemp01=0Temp02=-1000Temp03=-2000Temp04=-3000,but please correct me if I am wrong.
Furthermore, is TempXX the temperature at a given depth (the face or the center of each cell), or is it the mean for the 1000 m thick layer?
Thanks!Daniel Carvalho 		 	   		  
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