[MITgcm-support] add the time dependent wind by 'zonalWindFile'

Martin Losch Martin.Losch at awi.de
Wed Nov 28 05:45:27 EST 2012

Hi there,

you've got it right. I do agree that the names of namelist parameters are not always optimal, and sometimes even misleading. I am glad you can now do what you intended to do.


On Nov 28, 2012, at 11:24 AM, Victor wrote:

> Hi Martin
> Thanks for your help, and I have gone through it. I have set the 'externForcingPeriod' and 'externForcingCycle' before, but in a wrong way. I used 'externForcingPeriod' as the period of the forcing, and 'externFocingCycle' as the repeating times of this period. This is a big mistake! 
> Actually, 'externForcingPeriod' is just 'deltaT' of the changing wind, whereas 'externForcingCycle' is the period. If I setup a wind with a period of one month, then the 'externForcingCycle' should be set '30*24*3600', and the 'externForcingPeriod' can be set '24*3600', which means one value per day. If the time step of the running ('deltaT') is smaller than 'externForcingPeriod', the wind value at each time step will be interpolated. 
> Hopefully I make it clear and it will be helpful sometimes. 
> -- 
> Best regards. 
> Shengli Chen
> Xiamen University, China
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