[MITgcm-support] mnc_assembly for Matlab 2011a

Fanny Monteiro f.monteiro at bristol.ac.uk
Wed Aug 15 05:24:03 EDT 2012

Dear all

  I'm restarting the thread by Yael on the mnc_assembly.m script for recent
Matlab versions which has its own netcdf API (
http://mitgcm.org/pipermail/mitgcm-support/2012-March/007691.html). I have
tried both suggested techniques without success: (1) dowloading the mexcdf
combined with the updated mnc_assembly of Jon Lauderdale, and (2) rewriting
the new version of mnc-assembly following Martin's ncload and rdmnc
Has anyone been more successful than me and/or can help me?

Thanks in advance.

Dr Fanny M Monteiro
University Research Fellow
School of Geographical Sciences
University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1SS, UK
Phone (+44) 117 33 18351
Email f.monteiro at bristol.ac.uk
Web http://www.bris.ac.uk/geography/people/fanny-m-monteiro/overview.html
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