[MITgcm-support] ptracers

David Munday munday at atm.ox.ac.uk
Mon Mar 15 06:14:21 EDT 2010

Hi Manfredi,

> I am trying to do a test run where I restart from pickup files for ocean physics (where nIter0=01) but  I DO NOT have the same pickups for
> biogeochemical fields so I use observations for initializing biogeochemical tracers.
> The model complains like  below at the end of the message ?
> I can anticipate that I commented the following line :
> # PTRACERS_Iter0=0
> in data.ptracers
> Any trick to make it behave nicely ?

I actually do what you are describing; run with just physics for a while and then restart from a physics pickup and turn on the biogeochemistry. The trick is just to set PTRACERS_Iter0 correctly. In practise, I find that if I want to start from a PTRACERS_ref profile, PTRACERS_Iter0 must be one more than nIter0 in data. If I want to re-start using distributions set by the binary file in PTRACERS_initialFile, then PTRACERS_Iter0 should be the same as nIter0 in data. I'm not using data.cal or data.exf, so I hope this remains true if you are.

Best wishes,



Dr. David R. Munday
University of Oxford
Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Planetary Physics
Clarendon Laboratory
Parks Road
U.K.                 01865 272 093


"But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams."
     - W.B. Yeats, He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven -


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