[MITgcm-support] Sea ice

Martin Losch Martin.Losch at awi.de
Mon Mar 17 09:54:35 EDT 2008

Hi Peter Jan,

the sea-ice pkg is well tested and runs routinely in many  
applications (a good start are the experiments that Patrick named).

The combination of seaice and thsice is not so well tuned (in terms  
of results), but it compiles and runs easily (it's tested every day),  
see <verification/global_cs.32x15> and in particular the combination  
of input.icedyn and input (in that order) for an example.

I don't know if I can recommend the combined use of thsice/seaice,  
unless you are willing to do a lot of parameter tuning (and believe  
me, there are quite a few parameters, so that you won't get away with  
16 ensemble members this time (o: ). If you want to do the tuning,  
we'd like to hear about your experience and a good set of parameters  
for the combination of both packages.


Martin Losch // Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung
Postfach 120161, 27515 Bremerhaven, Germany
mailto:Martin.Losch at awi.de // Tel./Fax: ++49(471)4831-1872/1797

On 17 Mar 2008, at 13:24, PJ van Leeuwen wrote:

> Dear Support,
> I'm trying to couple the sea-ice packages to the mitgcm.
> However, I have to make a few changes to the sea-ice files before  
> it runs nicely,
> e.g. declaring variables.
> That suggests that this part is not well tested. Is that the case?
> Furthermore, I am interested in a dynamical and thermodynamical sea- 
> ice model,
> with multiple layers in the ice. This is more or less a combination  
> of the
> SEAICE and THSICE packages. Do you have any experience with this?
> Or has someone done this before?
> I hope you can find some time to answer me,
> Best regards,
> Peter Jan
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --------------------
> Peter Jan van Leeuwen
> Institute for Marine and Atmospheric research Utrecht (IMAU)
> Utrecht University
> P.O. Box 80005                     tel: (31)30 2537759
> 3508 TA  Utrecht                   fax: (31)30 2543163
> The Netherlands                    e-mail: P.J.vanleeuwen at uu.nl
> http://www.phys.uu.nl/~leeuwen/
> Visiting address:
> Princetonplein 5
> 3584 CC  Utrecht
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---------------------
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