[MITgcm-support] Re: nonHydrostatic

Dimitris Menemenlis menemenlis at sbcglobal.net
Thu Aug 9 13:53:43 EDT 2007

Geof, I have never used non hydrostatic code.  The reason for replying to you 
initially was that I am responsible for diffkrfile so was worried there might be 
a bug in implementation.  But the mixing, non-hydrostatic, spontaneous stuff is 
really beyond my area of expertise and I am the wrong person to ask.  It is 
interesting that with a flat bottom nothing happens --- I have also verified 
that in the small 20x16x23, 2-deg lab_sea domain --- but that once you add 
bathymetry, even with a stable temperature profile and with uniform salinity, 
things start moving spontaneously.  Would such a behavior be expected in real 
ocean or is it just numerical artifact?  D.

> Do you have any clues about why it doesn't blow up with the non hydrostatic approximation?

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