[MITgcm-support] pserver status?

Ed Hill ed at eh3.com
Thu Sep 15 10:28:05 EDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 09:48 -0400, Alistair Adcroft wrote:
> Can someone categorically say whether the anonymous pserver is up and 
> working or whether it's meant to be disabled? We have a post-doc 
> following the instructions in the manual and not reaching the pserver.
> Last time this happened there was a network issue for MIT but I also 
> remember that pserver was once insecure and had then been disabled.
> If pserver is not available then please remove those instructions from 
> the manual.

Hi Alistair,

Yes, CVS pserver is up and running and it should be available to
everyone from everywhere.  I just verified it using some local machines
and a few remote machines (eg. in California, Florida, etc.).  It was
quite slow from the California and Florida machines but it *DID* work
following the exact (cut-n-paste!) instructions on the web site.

Over the summer, we have had some down-time due to network glitches,
power outages, and loss of A/C.  If you tried to use CVS pserver during
one of those events then I'm sorry -- we're doing everything we can to
keep our systems up and accessible.

And there is "the Internet2 routing problem" that we discussed earlier
this summer that somehow involves our connection to Internet2
("abilene") and improperly configured routing tables here at MIT.  If
thats whats causing your problems (or even if you suspect it), then
please let me know we'll ask Greg to try to sort it out with the folks
at TIG.


Edward H. Hill III, PhD
office:  MIT Dept. of EAPS;  Rm 54-1424;  77 Massachusetts Ave.
             Cambridge, MA 02139-4307
emails:  eh3 at mit.edu                ed at eh3.com
URLs:    http://web.mit.edu/eh3/    http://eh3.com/
phone:   617-253-0098
fax:     617-253-4464

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