[MITgcm-support] Make depend error

Don Stark drstark at nps.edu
Mon Apr 25 21:11:27 EDT 2005

> On Mon, 2005-04-25 at 17:07 -0700, Don Stark wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm getting an error at the make depend stage. I'm able to successfully
>> compile on one of our single PE SGI's, but when I try to do the same on a
>> multiple PE SGI I've run into an "make: *** [depand] error 127" at the end
>> of the make depend run.
> Hi Don,
> Does it really say "make: *** [depand] error 127" and, if so, did you
> accidentally type in "make depand"?
> And if not, could you send us the error along with a little more
> context--such as the command you typed, the optfile you're using, etc.?
> Ed
My mistake. It actually says make depend.

I've run with two version of the optfile. The second (ip30) works on my
other machine. I'll include the optfiles in another email.

../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code


A program for GENerating MAKEfiles for the MITgcm project.  For a
quick list of options, use "genmake -h" or for more detail see:


===  Processing options files and arguments  ===
  getting local config information:  none found
Warning:  ROOTDIR was not specified but there appears to be a copy of MITgcm
at "../../.." so we'll try it.
  getting OPTFILE information:
    using OPTFILE="../../../tools/build_options/irix64_ip27_f77"
  getting AD_OPTFILE information:
    using AD_OPTFILE="../../../tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_default"

===  Checking system libraries  ===
  Do we have the system() command using f77...  yes
  Do we have the fdate() command using f77...  no
  Do we have the etime() command using f77...  yes
  Can we call simple C routines (here, "cloc()") using f77...  no
  Can we use stat() through C calls...  no
  Can we create NetCDF-enabled binaries...  no

===  Setting defaults  ===
  Adding MODS directories:   ../code
  Making source files in eesupp from templates
  Making source files in exch2 from  templates

===  Determining package settings  ===
  getting package dependency info from  ../../../pkg/pkg_depend
  checking default package list:
    using PDEFAULT="../code/packages.conf"
    before group expansion packages are:  oceanic -kpp -gmredi cd_code
    replacing "oceanic" with:   gfd gmredi kpp timeave
    replacing "gfd" with:   mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv
generic_advdiff debug mdsio rw monitor
    after group expansion packages are:   mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv
generic_advdiff debug mdsio rw monitor gmredi kpp timeave -kpp -gmredi
  applying DISABLE settings
  applying ENABLE settings
    packages are:   cd_code debug generic_advdiff mdsio mom_common
mom_fluxform mom_vecinv monitor rw timeave
  applying package dependency rules
    packages are:   cd_code debug generic_advdiff mdsio mom_common
mom_fluxform mom_vecinv monitor rw timeave
  Searching for *OPTIONS.h files in order to warn about the presence
    of "#define "-type statements that are no longer allowed:
    found CPP_EEOPTIONS="../../../eesupp/inc/CPP_EEOPTIONS.h"
    found CPP_OPTIONS="../../../model/inc/CPP_OPTIONS.h"
    Creating the list of files for the adjoint compiler.

===  Creating the Makefile  ===
  setting INCLUDES
  Determining the list of source and include files
  Writing makefile: Makefile
  Add the source list for AD code generation
  Making list of "exceptions" that need ".p" files
  Making list of NOOPTFILES
  Add rules for links
  Adding makedepend marker

===  Done  ===
anacapa (41)% make depend > dat
make: makedepend: Command not found
make: *** [depend] Error 127


../../../tools/genmake2 -mods=../code


A program for GENerating MAKEfiles for the MITgcm project.  For a
quick list of options, use "genmake -h" or for more detail see:


===  Processing options files and arguments  ===
  getting local config information:  none found
Warning:  ROOTDIR was not specified but there appears to be a copy of MITgcm
at "../../.." so we'll try it.
  getting OPTFILE information:
    using OPTFILE="../../../tools/build_options/irix64_ip30_f77"
  getting AD_OPTFILE information:
    using AD_OPTFILE="../../../tools/adjoint_options/adjoint_default"

===  Checking system libraries  ===
  Do we have the system() command using f77...  yes
  Do we have the fdate() command using f77...  no
  Do we have the etime() command using f77...  yes
  Can we call simple C routines (here, "cloc()") using f77...  no
  Can we use stat() through C calls...  no
  Can we create NetCDF-enabled binaries...  no

===  Setting defaults  ===
  Adding MODS directories:   ../code
  Making source files in eesupp from templates
  Making source files in exch2 from  templates

===  Determining package settings  ===
  getting package dependency info from  ../../../pkg/pkg_depend
  checking default package list:
    using PDEFAULT="../code/packages.conf"
    before group expansion packages are:  oceanic -kpp -gmredi cd_code
    replacing "oceanic" with:   gfd gmredi kpp timeave
    replacing "gfd" with:   mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv
generic_advdiff debug mdsio rw monitor
    after group expansion packages are:   mom_common mom_fluxform mom_vecinv
generic_advdiff debug mdsio rw monitor gmredi kpp timeave -kpp -gmredi
  applying DISABLE settings
  applying ENABLE settings
    packages are:   cd_code debug generic_advdiff mdsio mom_common
mom_fluxform mom_vecinv monitor rw timeave
  applying package dependency rules
    packages are:   cd_code debug generic_advdiff mdsio mom_common
mom_fluxform mom_vecinv monitor rw timeave
  Searching for *OPTIONS.h files in order to warn about the presence
    of "#define "-type statements that are no longer allowed:
    found CPP_EEOPTIONS="../../../eesupp/inc/CPP_EEOPTIONS.h"
    found CPP_OPTIONS="../../../model/inc/CPP_OPTIONS.h"
  Creating the list of files for the adjoint compiler.

===  Creating the Makefile  ===
  setting INCLUDES
  Determining the list of source and include files
  Writing makefile: Makefile
  Add the source list for AD code generation
  Making list of "exceptions" that need ".p" files
  Making list of NOOPTFILES
  Add rules for links
  Adding makedepend marker

===  Done  ===
anacapa (45)% make depend > dat30
make: makedepend: Command not found
make: *** [depend] Error 127

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