[MITgcm-support] IBM

Martin Losch mlosch at awi-bremerhaven.de
Fri May 7 06:15:10 EDT 2004


I am supposed to do some test runs on our "IBM Regatta" computer, which 
is a test computer for a different much bigger IBM system.
uname -a gives
AIX edvir1 1 5 0010117A4C00
and the avaible compiler is xlf, so I guess I should use the sp3 or sp4 
build_options file. With sp4, I get this:
1. cc not found (Argh! Apparently there's a gcc and xlc but no cc, so 
there should be a way to include CC='gcc' into the options file)
I solved that by modifying the makefile to include CC=gcc or aliasing 
gcc to cc
2. Code compiles fine, but when I run it I get:
> 1525-090 The NAMELIST READ statement cannot be completed because an 
> incorrect character was encountered in a NAMELIST group name or item 
> name.  The program will recover by discontinuing further processing of 
> the READ statement.
as often as a namelist is read and then the model explodes after 4 

Any experience with this? Would you like me to run testscript with the 
-addr option?


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