[MITgcm-support] Diapycnal mixing

Matt Palmer mdp1 at soc.soton.ac.uk
Wed Jul 14 12:14:20 EDT 2004

Hi there.

I'm working with Jochem Marotzke on the meridional overturning 
circulation of the Indian Ocean, using the MIT model.

I managed to modify the model code to have a fully 3-D veritcal mixing 
field and I want to do something similar, but using the GMRedi package. 
At the moment, my modifications are in "calc_diffusivity.F". If I want 
to specify the diapycnal mixing, do I need to do this in the Redi mixing 

I've looked through the model code, but I can't see where would be the 
best place to add my 3-D diapycnal mixing field. It had occured to me 
that perhaps I could just use the diapycnal mixing approximately by 
including the 3-D mixing in "calc_diffusivity.F", after the GMRedi 
subroutines have been called (using the KappaRT and KappRS variables). I 
would be making the approximation that the diapycnal mixing is mostly 
oriented in the vertical.

Any comments and/or suggestions about how to proceed would be gratefully 

Many thanks,

Matt Palmer

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