[Mitgcm-support] 2-deg North Atlantic Test Case

mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org
Wed Jul 9 15:56:54 EDT 2003

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2-deg North Atlantic Test Case

The North Atlantic test case is now configured and running
for three flavors of the MIT GCM: MIT's c31, JPL's mitgcmuv,
and JPL's ecco.  All three codes use exactly the same KPP
package and give qualitatively similar results, although
differences between c31 and JPL, order 10^-3 deg C at surface
after a month of integration, are larger than differences
between the two JPL codes (order 10^-6 deg C).

Files and instructions for configuring and running the tests
and for comparing the various results are in

Directory is also permanently stored in

Instructions for configuring tests and comparing results are
in NATLANtest/NAtlExp/README.natl which is appended below.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> NATLANtest/NAtlExp/README.natl <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

North Atlantic test

This test configuration is intended as a cross-platform, cross-version test of
KPP mixing scheme.  Test domain consists of a closed 20x16x23 box.  Forcing
files are daily for a period of 1 month.  Description of input and output
files for various model versions and instructions for setting up and executing
test integrations follow.

File "NAtlExp/matlab/comp_jpl_c31.m" is an example routine for reading and
comparing c31 and JPL output.

File "NAtlExp/matlab/comp_jpl.m" is an example routine for reading and
comparing JPL mitgcmuv and JPL ecco output.

Domain Configuration

dZ=[10 10 15 20 20 25 35 50 75 100 150 200 275 ...
      350 415 450 500 500 500 500 500 500 500];

JPL c19_gm13

Code files:

CPP_OPTIONS.h  Compiler options file
SIZE.h         Domain definition file

Input files:

data           Model parameter file
data.kpp       KPP parameter file
POLY3.COEFFS   Equation of state coefficients

jpl_topog      Bathymetry (m)
   Format is real*4 FORTRAN unformatted sequential binary 20*16

jpl_saltLev    Levitus salt climatology (PSU)
jpl_thetaLev   Levitus temperature climatology (deg C)
   Format is real*4 FORTRAN unformatted sequential binary 20*16*23

jpl_windx      Zonal wind stress; >0 from West to East (N/m^2)
jpl_windy      Meridional wind stress; >0 from South to North (N/m^2)
jpl_qnet       Heat flux less shortwave; >0 = cooling (W/m^2)
jpl_sw         Shortwave radiation; >0 = cooling (W/m^2)
jpl_ep         Surface salt flux; >0 = evaporation (kg/m^2/s)
jpl_sst        Sea-surface temperature (deg C)
jpl_dqdt       Thermal relaxation coefficient (W/m^2/deg)
jpl_sss        Sea-surface salinity (PSU)
   Format is real*4 JPL direct access (20*16*1+1)*32; t=0:1:31 days

Output files:

Output files are in JPL format.  They can be read into 4-D arrays (lon, lat,
depth, time) using matlab function "NAtlExp/matlab/readgcm.m".

H_01_01.00000_00720_240          SSH                      (m)
KPPhbl_01_01.00000_00720_240     KPP OBL depth            (m)
   read using: [H t]=readgcm('H_01_01.00000_00720_240',0,20,16,1);

KPPvisc_01_01.00000_00720_240    KPP vertical viscosity   (m^2/s)
KPPdiff_01_01.00000_00720_240    KPP vertical diffusivity (m^2/s)
KPPghat_01_01.00000_00720_240    KPP non-local transport  (s/m^2)
S_01_01.00000_00720_240          salinity                 (PSU) 
T_01_01.00000_00720_240          temperature              (deg C)
U_01_01.00000_00720_240          zonal velocity           (m/s)
V_01_01.00000_00720_240          meridional velocity      (m/s)
   read using: [V t]=readgcm('V_01_01.00000_00720_240',0,20,16,23);


Instructions for running JPL mitgcmuv test follow.

1) Expand tgz files

   gunzip NAtlExp.tar.gz
   tar xvf NAtlExp.tar
   gunzip c19_gm13.tar.gz
   tar xvf c19_gm13.tar

   Note: c19_gm13.tar can also be obtained from JPL CVS tree
   cvs export -r c19_gm13 mitgcmuv

2) Set-up compile, link, and execute code:

   cd mitgcmuv
   mkdir exe
   mkdir bin
   cp ../NAtlExp/jpl/code/*.h model/inc
   cp ../NAtlExp/jpl/code/*.F model/src
   cd bin
   ../tools/genmake -makefile
   make depend
   cd ../exe
   ln -sf ../../NAtlExp/jpl/input/POLY3.COEFFS .
   ln -sf ../../NAtlExp/jpl/input/data* .
   ln -sf ../verification/exp5/input/eedata .
   mitgcmuv > stdout

JPL ECCO kpp03

Code files:

CPP_OPTIONS.h  Compiler options file
SIZE.h         Domain definition file

Output files:

Output files are in JPL format.  They can be read into 4-D arrays (lon, lat,
depth, time) using matlab function "NAtlExp/matlab/readgcm.m".

H_01_01.00000_00720_240          SSH                      (m)
KPPhbl_01_01.00000_00720_240     KPP OBL depth            (m)
   read using: [H t]=readgcm('H_01_01.00000_00720_240',0,20,16,1);

KPPvisc_01_01.00000_00720_240    KPP vertical viscosity   (m^2/s)
KPPdiff_01_01.00000_00720_240    KPP vertical diffusivity (m^2/s)
KPPghat_01_01.00000_00720_240    KPP non-local transport  (s/m^2)
S_01_01.00000_00720_240          salinity                 (PSU) 
T_01_01.00000_00720_240          temperature              (deg C)
U_01_01.00000_00720_240          zonal velocity           (m/s)
V_01_01.00000_00720_240          meridional velocity      (m/s)
   read using: [V t]=readgcm('V_01_01.00000_00720_240',0,20,16,23);


Instructions for running JPL ecco test follow.

1) Expand tgz files and get ecco code from JPL repository

   gunzip NAtlExp.tar.gz
   tar xvf NAtlExp.tar
   cvs export -r kpp03 ecco

2) Set-up compile, link, and execute code:

   cd ecco
   cp verification/natlan/code/*.h src/includes
   cp verification/natlan/code/*.F src/model
   touch -r acinclude.m4 configure.in configure
   setenv CC cc
   setenv FC f90
   cd lapack
   cd ..
   cd src
   f90 -mp -mpio -o ecco -L../blas -L../lapack main.o \
   the_model_main.o model/libmodel.a model/find_alpha.o \
   solver/libsolver.a diags/libdiags.a wrapper/libwrapper.a \
   kpp/libkpp.a io/libio.a -llapack -lblas
   cd ..
   mkdir exe
   cd exe
   cp ../src/ecco .
   ln -sf ../../NAtlExp/jpl/input/POLY3.COEFFS .
   ln -sf ../../NAtlExp/jpl/input/data* .
   ln -sf ../verification/exp5/input/eedata .
   ecco > stdout

c31 mitgcmuv

Code files:

Input files:

data           Model parameter file
data.pkg       Package parameter file
data.kpp       KPP parameter file
POLY3.COEFFS   Equation of state coefficients

c31_topog      Bathymetry (m)
   Format is real*4 plain binary 20*16

c31_saltLev    Levitus salt climatology (PSU)
c31_thetaLev   Levitus temperature climatology (deg C)
   Format is real*4 plain binary 20*16*23

c31_windx      Zonal wind stress; >0 from East to West (N/m^2)
c31_windy      Meridional wind stress; >0 from North to South (N/m^2)
c31_qnet       Heat flux less shortwave; >0 = cooling (W/m^2)
c31_sw         Shortwave radiation; >0 = cooling (W/m^2)
c31_ep         Surface salt flux; >0 = evaporation (m/s)
c31_sst        Sea-surface temperature (deg C)
c31_sss        Sea-surface salinity (PSU)
   Format is real*4 plain binary 20*16*32; t=0:1:31 days

Output files:

Output files are in direct access binary format.  Read to 4-D arrays
(lon, lat, depth, time) using matlab function "NAtlExp/matlab/readbin.m".

PS.001.001.data          SSH                      (m)
KPPhbl.001.001.data     KPP OBL depth            (m)
   read using: H=readbin('KPPhbl.001.001.data',[20 16 1 4],1);

KPPviscAz.001.001.data    KPP vertical viscosity   (m^2/s)
KPPdiffKzT.001.001.data    KPP vertical diffusivity (m^2/s)
KPPghat.001.001.data    KPP non-local transport  (s/m^2)
S.001.001.data          salinity                 (PSU) 
T.001.001.data          temperature              (deg C)
U.001.001.data          zonal velocity           (m/s)
V.001.001.data          meridional velocity      (m/s)
   read using: T=readbin('T.001.001.data',[20 16 23 4],1);


Instructions for running c31 test follow.

1) Expand tgz files

   gunzip NAtlExp.tar.gz
   tar xvf NAtlExp.tar
   gunzip c31_092600.tar.gz
   tar xvf c31_092600.tar

   Note: c31_092600.tar can also be obtained from MIT CVS tree
   mitcvs checkout -D "09/26/2000" models/MITgcmUV

2) Set-up compile, link, and execute code:

   cd NAtlExp/c31/code
   cp genmake ../../../MITgcmUV/tools
   cp kpp_do_diags.F ../../../MITgcmUV/pkg/kpp
   cp *.h ../../../MITgcmUV/model/inc
   cp e*.F i*.F s*.F w*.F ../../../MITgcmUV/model/src
   cd ../../../MITgcmUV/bin
   ../tools/genmake -makefile
   make depend
   cd ../exe
   ln -sf ../../NAtlExp/c31/input/POLY3.COEFFS .
   ln -sf ../../NAtlExp/c31/input/*data* .
   mitgcmuv > stdout

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