[Mitgcm-support] 2-deg North Atlantic Test Case

mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org mitgcm-support at dev.mitgcm.org
Wed Jul 9 15:56:31 EDT 2003

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I am appending the readme file "NAtlExp/README.natl" from
a North Atlantic test configuration.  Differences between
our version of the code and Classic are being investigated.

North Atlantic test

A North Atlantic test configuration has been prepared based on Patrick
Heimbach's North Atlantic MIT GCM Classic integrations.  Test domain consists of
a 20x16x23 box, forcing files are from NCEP re-analysis, and integration
period is one year.  This configuration is intended to fill the much-needed
gap of cross-platform cross-version testing.  Of immediate interest are
updates to KPP and GM schemes.  The test code presently resides in a tarball
on "triton.jpl.nasa.gov:/dm1/dimitri/mitgcm/NATLANtest/NAtlExp.tar.gz".
Description of input and output files for various configurations and
instructions for setting up and executing test integrations follow.
Subdirectory NAtlExp/matlab contains scripts to create forcing files for
various code versions and for comparing output.

Domain Configuration

dZ=[10 10 15 20 20 25 35 50 75 100 150 200 275 ...
      350 415 450 500 500 500 500 500 500 500];

Classic MIT GCM

Code files:

cfg.closed                   Model parameter file

Input files:

PH_pmask_020_016_23.dat       Land mask (0=dry, 1=wet)
PH_LevCli.ptmp_020_016_23.dat Levitus temperature climatology (deg C)
PH_LevCli.salt_020_016_23.dat Levitus salt climatology (PSU)
   Format is real*4 plain binary 20*16*23

PH_SST_fields_020_016_23.dat  Sea-surface temperature (deg C)
   Format is real*4 plain binary 20*16*12; t=0:30:330 days

PH_totflsfc_020_016_23.dat    Heat flux less shortwave; >0 = cooling (W/m^2)
PH_swflsfc_020_016_23.dat     Shortwave radiation; >0 = cooling (W/m^2)
PH_pratesfc_020_016_23.dat     Surface salt flux; >0 = evaporation (PSU/s)
   Format is real*4 plain binary 20*16*367; t=-.75:1:356.25 days

PH_ustress_020_016_23.dat     Zonal wind stress (N/m^2)
PH_vstress_020_016_23.dat     Meridional wind stress (N/m^2)
   Format is real*4 plain binary 20*16*734; t=-.875:.5:365.625 days

Output files:

PH_hfield_000.dat       SSH                      (m)
   Format is real*4 plain binary 20*16*365; t=0:1:364 days

PH_kmfield_000.dat      KPP vertical viscosity   (m^2/s)
PH_ksfield_000.dat      KPP vertical diffusivity (m^2/s)
PH_sfield_000.dat       salinity                 (PSU) 
PH_tfield_000.dat       temperature              (deg C)
PH_ufield_000.dat       zonal velocity           (m/s)
PH_vfield_000.dat       meridional velocity      (m/s)
   Format is real*4 plain binary 20*16*23*365; t=0:1:364 days

JPL mitgcmuv

Code files:

CPP_OPTIONS.h  Compiler options file
SIZE.h         Domain definition file

Input files:

data           Model parameter file
data.kpp       KPP parameter file
POLY3.COEFFS   Equation of state coefficients

Forcing files are based on Classic input files and were created using matlab
script "NAtlExp/matlab/mk_input.m".

topog    Bathymetry (m)
   Format is real*4 FORTRAN unformatted sequential binary 20*16

saltLev  Levitus salt climatology (PSU)
thetaLev Levitus temperature climatology (deg C)
   Format is real*4 FORTRAN unformatted sequential binary 20*16*23

SST      Sea-surface temperature (deg C)
dQdT     Thermal relaxation coefficient (W/m^2/deg)
SSS      Sea-surface salinity (PSU)
   Format is real*4 JPL direct access (20*16*1+1)*14; t=0:30:390 days

qnet     Heat flux less shortwave; >0 = cooling (W/m^2)
qsw      Shortwave radiation; >0 = cooling (W/m^2)
EmPmR    Surface salt flux; >0 = evaporation (PSU/s)
   Format is real*4 JPL direct access (20*16*1+1)*367; t=-.75:1:356.25 days

windx    Zonal wind stress (N/m^2)
windy    Meridional wind stress (N/m^2)
   Format is real*4 JPL direct access (20*16*1+1)*734; t=-.875:.5:365.625 days

Output files:

Output files are in JPL format.  They can be read into 4-D arrays (lon, lat,
depth, time) using matlab function "NAtlExp/matlab/readgcm.m".

H_01_01.00000_08760_024          SSH                      (m)
KPPhbl_01_01.00000_08760_024     KPP OBL depth            (m)
   read using: [H t]=readgcm('H_01_01.00000_08760_024',0,20,16,1);

KPPvisc_01_01.00000_08760_024    KPP vertical viscosity   (m^2/s)
KPPdiff_01_01.00000_08760_024    KPP vertical diffusivity (m^2/s)
KPPghat_01_01.00000_08760_024    KPP non-local transport  (s/m^2)
S_01_01.00000_08760_024          salinity                 (PSU) 
T_01_01.00000_08760_024          temperature              (deg C)
U_01_01.00000_08760_024          zonal velocity           (m/s)
V_01_01.00000_08760_024          meridional velocity      (m/s)
   read using: [V t]=readgcm('V_01_01.00000_08760_024',0,20,16,23);


Instructions for running JPL mitgcmuv test follow (assuming that NAtlExp.tar.gz
has been copied into mitgcmuv execution directory):

cd mitgcmuv/exe
gunzip NAtlExp.tar.gz
tar xvf NAtlExp.tar
cp NAtlExp/jpl/code/KPP_OPTIONS.h ../pkg/kpp
cp NAtlExp/jpl/code/CPP_OPTIONS.h ../model/inc
cp NAtlExp/jpl/code/SIZE.h ../model/inc
c ../bin
../tools/genmake -makefile
make depend
cd ../exe
ln -sf NAtlExp/jpl/input/POLY3.COEFFS .
ln -sf NAtlExp/jpl/input/data.kpp .
ln -sf NAtlExp/jpl/input/data .
ln -sf ../verification/exp5/input/eedata .
mitgcmuv > stdout

c30 mitgcmuv

Code files:

CPP_OPTIONS.h  Compiler options file
genmake        genmake file compatible with that of JPL code

Input files:

Forcing files are same as those in Classic/Input except for bathymetry which
was created using "NAtlExp/matlab/mk_input.m".

topog          Bathymetry (m)
   Format is real*4 plain binary 20*16


Instructions for running c30 mitgcmuv test follow (assuming that
NAtlExp.tar.gz has been copied into mitgcmuv execution directory).
(This section is still under construction.)

cd mitgcmuv/exe
gunzip NAtlExp.tar.gz
tar xvf NAtlExp.tar
cp NAtlExp/c30/code/CPP_OPTIONS.h ../model/inc
cp NAtlExp/jpl/code/SIZE.h ../model/inc
c ../bin
ln -sf ../exe/NAtlExp/c30/code/genmake ../tools
../tools/genmake -makefile
make depend
cd ../exe
ln -sf NAtlExp/jpl/POLY3.COEFFS .
ln -sf NAtlExp/jpl/data.kpp .
ln -sf ../verification/exp2/inputNAtlExp/jpl/eedata .
ln -sf NAtlExp/c30/input/data.pkg .
ln -sf NAtlExp/c30/input/data .
mitgcmuv > stdout

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