[MITgcm-support] Curvilinear grid generation

Menemenlis, Dimitris (US 329B) dimitris.menemenlis at jpl.nasa.gov
Tue Apr 16 00:52:23 EDT 2024

What is the desired characteristics of your grid?  Would a latitude/longitude or a rectangular grid suffice for your application?

On Apr 15, 2024, at 8:18 AM, Yilang Xu <yxu at whoi.edu> wrote:

Dear MITgcm community,

I am wondering if there is any standard way or package to generate curvilinear grid.
I set  usingCurvilinearGrid=.TRUE., in data, and #define OLD_GRID_IO in CPP_OPTIONS.h.

Currently I have LATC.bin, LONC.bin, LATG.bin, LONG.bin, etc. I also generate some dummy variables such as DXF=DXG=DXV=DXC, DYF=DYG=DYU=DYC, RA=RAZ=RAW=RAS, in order to get the model running at first and then I could correct them later.
The model output shows that there is mismatch in the grid. For example, noise exists around the ice shelf, where freshwater flux should not happen.

I would assume many people used curvilinear grid in the past, and I am wondering if there is any existing method to accurately generate the required grid variables. I appreciate any suggestions on this issue.

Thank you very much.

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