[MITgcm-support] Question about MPI sums

Hassan Mason hcm7920 at nyu.edu
Thu Jun 22 12:51:49 EDT 2023

Hi all,

I'm currently constructing an addition to MITgcm and I'm stuck implementing
it with MPI.

I have a value that's calculated for each tile and I need to sum over all
tiles aligned in a horizontal direction. In other words, I want to sum over
a specific column of tiles, and in the end each tile would know the sum of
the column to which it belongs.

I see there are routines like global_sum_tile.F that perform a global sum,
but are there any routines that are more selective about the tiles included
in the sum? Alternatively, is there a routine that works like
global_sum_tile.F but for element-wise vector addition instead of single

Hassan Mason
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