[MITgcm-support] postdoc opportunity using MITgcm

Matthew Mazloff mmazloff at ucsd.edu
Fri Jan 21 11:16:37 EST 2022

Hello - please apply to this exciting postdoc opportunity at CW3E-SIO-UCSD! 

http://sose.ucsd.edu/Postdoc_job_posting_CW3E_DA22.pdf <http://sose.ucsd.edu/Postdoc_job_posting_CW3E_DA22.pdf>


Data Assimilation Postdoctoral Position
Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E)
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego
Location: La Jolla, California
To apply: Send CV, cover letter, and three references to Luca Delle Monache (ldm at ucsd.edu <mailto:ldm at ucsd.edu>).
Deadline: Applications will be reviewed on February 11, 2022, and will continue to be considered until the position is filled.
The Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) focuses on understanding, observing, and predicting extreme weather and water events to support effective policies and practices to improve resilience in the Western U.S. CW3E carries out its goals with a diverse network of research and operational partners at several other institutions across the U.S. and internationally. The new hire will join a collaborative group of postdoctoral scholars and experienced researchers, faculty, and staff at CW3E and Scripps.
We seek a postdoctoral researcher with a background in coupled ocean-atmosphere modeling or data assimilation to help develop our regional coupled forecasting system based on the MITgcm and WRF. The goal is improving prediction of landfalling atmospheric rivers and the associated extreme weather and water events over the western U.S. at weather and subseasonal-to-seasonal scales. Our aim is understanding the predictability of these events and potentially leveraging ocean forecast skill to improve event forecasts. The successful candidate will work to develop and implement data assimilation techniques for the coupled model based on a community data assimilation frameworks, such as the Joint Effort for Data Assimilation Integration (JEDI). The candidate will work closely with the team to understand how the coupled system can improve the forecast skill of high-impact weather and water events. 
Applicants should be self-motivated and have a Ph.D. degree (by their hiring date) in atmospheric science, physical oceanography, climate science, or other relevant disciplines. Good written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to produce scientific publications and presentations and meet project milestones, are required. Programming experience working on high performance computing platforms, along with experience using data assimilation systems is desirable. Applicants should be comfortable working independently with large code libraries and databases, utilizing observations for the atmosphere and the ocean, and producing visualizations as well as working within a team framework.
The University of California San Diego is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer (AA/EOE). Key cultural competencies include: 1) Create an environment that acknowledges, encourages, and celebrates differences. 2) Function and communicate effectively and respectfully within the context of varying beliefs, behaviors, orientations, identities, and cultural backgrounds. 3) Seek opportunities to gain experience working and collaborating in diverse, multicultural, and inclusive settings with a willingness to change for continual improvement. 4) Adhere to all of UCSD’s policies including the policies on Prohibited Discrimination & Harassment and the Professional Standards of Conduct. 
Per normal postdoctoral appointment policies, all positions are envisioned as being initially for 1-year, with extension possible contingent upon performance and availability of funding. 
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