[MITgcm-support] RBCS scheme query

Burns, Paul P.Burns2 at exeter.ac.uk
Thu Feb 24 06:26:48 EST 2022


I wish to check a detail about the operation of the RBCS scheme.  This is probably a very basic question, but I wish to be certain how the scheme operates.

I am supplying the RBCS scheme with a single file that contains my forcing data that varies over time.  The time interval between my force fields (i.e. rbcsForcingPeriod) is greater than the model timestep, which isn't ideal, but I implemented it to keep the forcing file size practical.

So I wish to check if the RBCS scheme will simply interpolate my force data to the model timestep, so that my force is applied at every model timestep?

Many thanks,

Dr Paul Burns MInstP FRMetS

Research Fellow

Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Group

Department of Mathematics

Harrison Building

University of Exeter

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