[MITgcm-support] Data diagnostic output

e.gavilan e.gavilan at hhu.edu.cn
Fri Sep 25 07:59:51 EDT 2020

Dear community,
Today I was checking the output from ecco 2 and the time interval (metafile) does no make sense to me. At the beginning, I thought the timeinterval shows the initial and final point of the time average output file. I mean if the frequency of the output is every 30 days I would have expected that the difference between these two numbers agrees with the frequency. However, this difference is extremely different. At the beginning of the simulation this difference is 28 days and then after 40 years the difference decreases to 89 hours. Curiously, if I compute the date using those values (time_cal+seconds(x)),  the date corresponds to the last 89 hours of the month.
> Also, I have observed that in previous releases (MITgcm_c61v), this variable does not appear in the meta file. I think I am missing something. Did I miss a variable in the data.diagnostic? Currently, I have timeave and diagnostic in the package.conf. Do you think that they are incompatible? Thank so much in advance for everything and sorry again for disturbing you. 

Kind regards

Ps sorry I messed up composing the email


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