[MITgcm-support] Open boundary tidal amplitude

Weiyang Bao wbao at udel.edu
Fri May 1 12:42:09 EDT 2020

Hi MITgcm users,

I have a question when trying to apply tidal forcing at the open boundary of my model domain, which is an idealized 3-D cuboid estuary. The prescribed tidal amplitude input for the OBCS package is velocity (unit of m/s), but I would like to specify the tidal signal using sea surface elevation (or sea level height) instead. Although this might be an old problem, I could find little discussion through previous posts. Could anyone please give me a hand? Thank you in advance!



Weiyang Bao
Ph.D. Student, Physical Ocean Science and Engineering
School of Marine Science and Policy
University of Delaware
wbao at udel.edu
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