[MITgcm-support] Gsl_ieee_env.c error

Kendall Mehling kendallmchicago at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 13:27:34 EDT 2018

Dear MITgcm support,

I working on an experiment using the seaice package and everything seems to
be compiling as normal until I get a fatal error. I used the following
steps in the build directory.
module load intel/16.0
module load intelmpi/5.1+intel-16.0
module load netcdf/4.4.1+intel-16.0
../../../tools/genmake2 -mods ../code -optfile
make depend
everything seems to run correctly but a few minutes after the "make"
command the process crashes. The message reads,

"Catastrophic error: could not set locale to allow processing of multibyte
characters." Compilation aborted for gsl_ieee_env.c (code)

I am just unsure if there is something I should include in the steps above
so this error is resolved. I have seen a section on the Github that has a
script that I believe would address this issue but I don't know how to use

Thanks in Advance,

Kendall Mehling
University of Chicago - Class of 2020
Physics and Mathematics Major
Kendallm at uchicago.edu | 423.994.1834
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