[MITgcm-support] Input of warm water in depth

Hadar Berman hadarberman at gmail.com
Wed Oct 18 09:16:56 EDT 2017

Dear all,

I am using the MITgcm with specified heat and water fluxes and relaxation for the region of the Gulf of Elat. 
I would like to check how an input of warmer water entering in different depths from the boundary can effect the surrounding water. 

I have tried using the obcs pkg, but specifying the temperature in the boundary seems to have a higher effect then should be, and it is not correlated with the discharge (or velocities) entering though the boundary (even when specifying velocities of zero, I still see a great effect due to the temperature of the boundary). 

As far as I can tell, since I need to check the effect of the water entering in differing depths (and not only on the surface), I can not use the surface forcing via evaporation minus precipitation (EmPmRFile) or the external forcing package (runoffFile). 

Any ideas?
Hadar Berman.

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