[MITgcm-support] Run reaching "stop normal end" before reaching nTimeSteps

Dan Jones dcjones.work at gmail.com
Wed May 17 10:40:55 EDT 2017

Hi all,

I am attempting to run the ECCOv4-r2 model setup to equilibrium by
repeating one year of forcing for many centuries. My model does *not* crash
but instead reaches "STOP NORMAL END" before the timestep reaches
nTimeSteps. Specifically, it runs for 22 years before stopping.

I've checked the standard output, and the parameters nIter0, nTimeSteps,
nEndIter, startTime, and endTime are all consistent with a 60 year run. I
believe that I have the parameters in data.exf set correctly. Here are a
few selected lines from a setup where I am letting 2008 repeat:

     useExfYearlyFields= .FALSE.,

     repeatPeriod = 31620000.,

     ustressfile       = 'forcing_baseline2/eccov4r2_ustr_2008',

     ustressstartdate1   = 20080101,

     ustressstartdate2   = 030000,

     ustressperiod       = 21600.0,

The model output looks fine, and I don't see any obvious problems in the
debugging output (debugLevel=4).

I'm sure I'm just missing something simple/obvious. Thanks in advance for
any suggestions!

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