[MITgcm-support] Coupled tutorial cpl_aim+ocn questions

David Ferreira dfer at mit.edu
Thu Mar 9 04:26:32 EST 2017

Hi Xing,
In case you are still stuck. The next step for you is to find out which command to use to run the 3 executables together. You might want to do this outside of run_cpl_test. 

Unfortunately, this command very much depends on which system you are running.
Start from the mpi command you use to run single-executable jobs and work from there. run_cpl_test contains a few examples with mpirun, but maybe you need to use another command. For example, on one system (Cray) I use this:

aprun -n 1 -cc 0 ./executables/$exC : -n 12 ./executables/$exO : -n 12 ./executables/$exA >& OECpl$period

and on Pleiades I use this:
mpiexec_mpt -np  1 ./executables/$exC : -np $NpO ./executables/$exO : -np $NpA ./executables/$exA > OECpl$period 2>&1

(exC, exA, and exO are the executables for the coupler/atm/ocean stored in a directory "executables")

Sometimes the best way is to ask your IT service to give you the magical combination of options to get the multiple executable running.


From: Lu, Xing [xlu at rsmas.miami.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2017 9:26 PM
To: mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org
Subject: [MITgcm-support] Coupled tutorial cpl_aim+ocn questions

Hi all,

I’m having some questions running the cpl_aim+ocn tutorial. I can create mitgcmuv executables in build_atm, build_ocn and build_cpl with no problem.

So what is the next step to run the tutorial? I have 3 executables in 3 different directories and I’m not sure how to call them. I tried run_cpl_test but it does not work, and I don’t really understand it. Does anyone know how to get the coupled model running?

Thanks a lot!

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