[MITgcm-support] Changing mds file suffix

Jody Klymak jklymak at uvic.ca
Sun Feb 26 23:35:35 EST 2017

Hi all, maintainers in particular,

There are a number of places in the code where file i/o creates a suffix based on myIter:
WRITE(suff,'(I10.10)') myIter

I’ve found this restrictive for runs where I need to change deltaT (i.e. slow spinup past a startup transient).  I need to rename pickup files, and, worse, previous output can have the same iteration number as new output and get overwritten.  I’d *prefer* to save my files as 
WRITE(suff,'(I10.10)') myTime
i.e. `T.0000036000.data` refers to 10 hours, rather than iteration 36000.

Would it be possible for me to change the code above to:

CALL RW_GET_SUFF( myTime, myIter, myThid, suff )

and write that code with the default set to the above, but new parameters that allow other formats?  (i.e. I could imagine some would like simulation hours or days).  

Is this a terrible idea for some reason?  If I went through the exercise, would it have a hope of being merged?  I’d just do it for myself, but its actually deep enough in the code that it would be a personal nuisance to repatch every new version that I download.

I guess while I’m at it, I’ll ask again why the meta files don’t have the time written in them.  Is there anything that would break by adding:

timeStepNumber = [       8640 ];
myTime = [     43200 ];

Thanks a lot,  Jody

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