[MITgcm-support] xmitgcm: python package for reading mitgcm mds files

Ryan Abernathey ryan.abernathey at gmail.com
Sat Oct 15 00:19:45 EDT 2016

Dear Colleagues,

I have released a first version of my python package called xmitgcm:

xmitgcm is a python package for reading MITgcm <http://mitgcm.org/> binary
<http://mitgcm.org/public/r2_manual/latest/online_documents/node277.html> files
into xarray <http://xarray.pydata.org/> data structures. By storing data in
dask <http://dask.readthedocs.org/> arrays, xmitgcm enables parallel,
out-of-core <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Out-of-core_algorithm> analysis
of MITgcm output data.

For more information, please consult

   - The online documentation: http://xmitgcm.readthedocs.io
   - The GitHub repository: https://github.com/xgcm/xmitgcm

Among many features, the package includes basic support for reading llc mds
data, which is something we have been lacking in python. xmitgcm does not
depend on any existing MITgcm scripts like rdmds.

xmitgcm is not a complete analysis framework like gcmfaces. It is just a
tool for reading mds data. Nevertheless, once the data is in xarray form,
many powerful options become available.

Early in its development, xmitgcm used to be called "xgcm". Those of you
who were using the earlier "xgcm" package should switch to this one. It
should be largely backwards compatible, but xmitgcm will continue to
receive udpates, bug fixes, and new features.

I welcome your feedback on your experience with xmitgcm via email, or, even
better, as github issues
and pull requests

Happy pythoning!

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