[MITgcm-support] CS64–128 grid files

Alexandre Pohl alexandre.pohl at lsce.ipsl.fr
Wed Nov 23 11:05:43 EST 2016

Dear MITgcm users,

For my paleoclimate simulations, I usually run the MITgcm in a coupled setup using the CS32 grid.

Today, I would like to use higher resolutions. For that purpose, I need the files describing the CS64, one-degree-cube and CS128 grids. I did not find these files ('grid_cs**.face**.bin' and associated 'RA.bin' files) in the 'MITgcm_contrib' repository.

Are such files available somewhere ? Any help would be greatly appreciated !

Thank you,

Alexandre POHL, PhD
Email: pohl.alexandre at gmail.com
Personal website: https://alexandrepohl.org

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