[MITgcm-support] SPEEDY out of range surface air temp

Alexandre Pohl alexandre.pohl at lsce.ipsl.fr
Fri May 22 03:21:52 EDT 2015

Hi David,

Thank you for the tip. After a few tries, changing the Shapiro filter timescale seems to work pretty well in my case. The problem is that the same instability regularly reappears later during the run, in the same point or not. I think it is due to the position of the sea-ice front at the mid-to-tropical-latitudes, inducing here high temperature contrasts with the tropical ice-free ocean near the poles of the CS grid. Unless there is something efficient and not too complicated to make the model more stable among your other 'tricky things', I think I will keep relaunching the model after each failure in this way.

Thank you again,

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