[MITgcm-support] SPEEDY out of range surface air temp

Alexandre Pohl alexandre.pohl at lsce.ipsl.fr
Mon May 18 08:36:55 EDT 2015

Dear all,

I am running a coupled configuration of the cubed-sphere MITgcm on a deep-time continental configuration. One of my runs systematically fails after ~ 1160 years. It seems that the atmospheric component - SPEEDY - becomes locally unstable, resulting in very low surface air temperatures. Here is the error message from STDERR.0010 :

(PID.TID 0010.0001) *** ERROR *** SUFLUX_POST: TS= 9.9962618931693E+01 out of range  100 400
(PID.TID 0010.0001) *** ERROR *** SUFLUX_POST: T_Lnd,Sea,Sic= 2.731E+02 2.713E+02 9.996E+01 Mask: 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000
(PID.TID 0010.0001) *** ERROR *** SUFLUX_POST: Pb in i,j,bi,bj,myThid,IJ,X,Y=  14  17  1  1  1   270  -78.690  -82.584

Please note that I am running 3 other simulations, using the same boundary and initial conditions except the solar constant. Some of these simulations are warmer, others are colder, and everything is going well.

Has anyone else experienced this before?


Alexandre POHL
PhD Student
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE)
Centre d'Etude de Saclay
CEA-Orme des Merisiers, bât. 701
alexandre.pohl at lsce.ipsl.fr

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