[MITgcm-support] visualizing some output in matlab

Dustin Carroll dcarroll at uoregon.edu
Thu Jan 29 09:51:23 EST 2015

Hi Mario,

After you run your model you will have either *.meta & *.data or *.nc files (netCDF) depending on what output type you specified.

To load the meta/data files you can use

A = RDMDS(fileName)

where fileName is a string containing the “header” for the file name

i.e., if your file is U.000001111.000.000.meta, fileName is ‘000001111’

You’ll want to make sure that the current working directory in Matlab is set to where your MITgcm *.meta & *.data files are too,

A = RDMDS(‘000001111’);

where myDirectory is the path to your folder 


12	%   A = RDMDS(FNAME) reads data described by meta/data file format.
13	%   FNAME is a string containing the "head" of the file names.
14	%
15	%   eg. To load the meta-data files
16	%       T.0000002880.000.000.meta, T.0000002880.000.000.data
17	%       T.0000002880.001.000.meta, T.0000002880.001.000.data
18	%       T.0000002880.002.000.meta, T.0000002880.002.000.data
19	%       T.0000002880.003.000.meta, T.0000002880.003.000.data
20	%   use
21	%      >> A=rdmds('T.0000002880');

> On Jan 29, 2015, at 6:36 AM, MARIO DURAN CAMEJO <mdcamejo at ing.uc3m.es> wrote:
> rdmds

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