[MITgcm-support] downloading source code through a ssh tunnel

Martin Losch Martin.Losch at awi.de
Thu Jan 15 05:23:22 EST 2015

Hi Alexandre,

that’s a very good question, that I am faced with myself, and I would like to hear answers to this.

But for the “regular machine” don’t you have to set

setenv CVSROOT ‘:pserver:cvsanon at mitgcm.org:/u/gcmpack’

see <http://mitgcm.org/public/source_code.html>, I think using “ext” requires “developers” rights, and cannot be used with “cvsanon”


On Jan 14, 2015, at 6:20 PM, Alexandre Pohl <alexandre.pohl at lsce.ipsl.fr> wrote:

> Dear MITgcm developers and users,
> We would like to run MITgcm on a supercomputer that has a restricted access to the outside world and we can't directly use "cvs co -P MITgcm" on this machine
> We therefore have 2 options:
> A) Do the co on a machine with network index
>   Use rsync to transfer MITgcm to the supercomputer
> B) Setup things so that we can use an ssh tunnel on the supercomputer and directly do the "cvs co" and other commands on the supercomputer
> We would of course prefer to use option B), which will make it easier to work on the code and keep the code up-to-date. We have unfortunately failed to do this.
> Does somebody know how to perform B)?
> Note: we have also tried to do some "cvs over ssh" to get the code on a regular (ie with access to the outside world) machine and it failed, so maybe the problem is just that mitgcm.org is not set up for handling ssh?
> > setenv CVS_RSH ssh
> > setenv CVSROOT ':ext:cvsanon at mitgcm.org:/u/gcmpack'
> > cvs co -P MITgcm
> The authenticity of host 'mitgcm.org (' can't be established.
> RSA key fingerprint is 2b:a2:47:0e:a5:22:c4:2b:50:cf:d1:aa:3c:13:89:9b.
> Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
> Warning: Permanently added 'mitgcm.org,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
> Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic).
> cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if any)
> 	Thanks for your help!
> __
> Alexandre POHL
> PhD Student
> Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE)
> Centre d'Etude de Saclay
> CEA-Orme des Merisiers, bât. 701
> alexandre.pohl at lsce.ipsl.fr
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