[MITgcm-support] user-defined diagnostic filled with zeros

Jean-Michel Campin jmc at ocean.mit.edu
Wed Aug 5 15:37:24 EDT 2015

Hi Alexandre,

I don't see any problem in the modifications you describe here.
Are you sure that the CPP-option "CAR_DISS" is #define in your DIC_OPTIONS.h
(since in the default option file, i.e, pkg/dic/DIC_OPTIONS.h, it is #undef) ?

Might be safer to move the call to DIAGNOSTICS_FILL you added 
just after the ENDIF following CALCITE_SATURATION, within the 
#ifdef CAR_DISS ... #endif bloc
so that this new diagnostics would be filled up only when CAR_DISS is defined.


On Wed, Aug 05, 2015 at 07:58:34PM +0200, Alexandre Pohl wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am using a coupled configuration of the MITgcm with the pkg/DIC and pkg/diagnostics enabled. I would like to add a new diagnostic to the permanent set of diagnostics of the model: 'omegaC' (computed in 'dic/calcite_saturation.F').
> I followed the instructions from the guidebook (http://mitgcm.org/public/r2_manual/latest/online_documents/node269.html):
> 1] First, I define the new diagnostic in 'dic_diagnostics_init.F' :
>       diagName  = 'OMEGAC  '
>       diagTitle = 'Calcite Omega   '
>       diagUnits = 'dimensionless   '
>       diagCode  = 'SMRP    MR      '
>      I       diagName, diagCode, diagUnits, diagTitle, 0, myThid )
> 2] Then, I call the 'DIAGNOSTICS_FILL' routine in 'dic_biotic_forcing.F'.
>         CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(SURC   ,'DICTFLX ',0,1 ,2,bi,bj,myThid)    <==== one of pkg/DIC default diagnostics
>         CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(omegaC ,'OMEGAC  ',0,Nr,1,bi,bj,myThid)    <==== my new diag
> #ifdef ALLOW_O2
>         CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(SURO   ,'DICOFLX ',0,1 ,2,bi,bj,myThid)    <==== another pkg/DIC default diagnostic
> Compilation succeeds, the model runs and diagnostics are successfully written in the model output mdsio files. The problem is that the newly added diagnostic, OMEGAC, is filled with zeros. I guess that it has something to do with either 'diagCode' from step 1 (which I set to  'SMRP    MR      ' like for DICBIOA, which seemed to be correct after Table 7.1: http://mitgcm.org/public/r2_manual/latest/online_documents/node268.html), or with the bibjFlg from step 2 (which I set to 1 because omegaC is not modified in 'dic_biotic_forcing.F', following instructions given at the top of the same page).
> Could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? 
> Thanks!
> Alexandre
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