[MITgcm-support] Calculation of the value of the density in the SHELFICElo adAnomalyFile in data.shelfice

Dimitris Menemenlis dmenemenlis at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 10:05:16 EDT 2014

Another option that works well is to compute a density that is approximately equal to the
water properties near and beneath the cavity, set rhoConst and rhoNil equal to this density
in "data" file, and let pkg/shelfice compute initial pressure under ice shelf on its own.

On Oct 13, 2014, at 6:48 AM, Martin Losch <Martin.Losch at awi.de> wrote:

> Liu,
> did you have a look at the verification example isomip? 
> If not, please have a look at verification/isomip/input/gendata.m
> There I compute the pressure and phiHydF for one column underneath the ice shelp under the assumption that temperature and salinty are horizontally homogeneous, i.e., that the water the ice shelf pushed aside, was horizontally homogeneous. Obviously for a realistic set up that does not work and you have to assume something about the “virtual hydrography”, most likely your pressure and phiHydF are 3D fields (i.e. columns in each horizontal grid point). But in any way it is important to compute and saver a phi0surf from phiHyd in exaclty the same way as it is done in this example. 
> I hope that helps you. I can dig up my matlab code to compute phi0surf for experiments realistic topography once I have returned to my office. Right now it’s a little difficult.
> Martin
> On Oct 13, 2014, at 9:24 PM, 刘成彦 <killy at nuist.edu.cn> wrote:
>> Hi Martin,
>> your advices are very helpful to me! Although I still get the model blow up after I set the SHELFICEloadAnomalyFile, maybe something still wrong in my setting.
>> But I want try the second way which you suggested, running the model with very short time step for a spinup. Thank you so much for you help!
>> Cheers
>> Liu

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