[MITgcm-support] flt pkg

Matthew Mazloff mmazloff at ucsd.edu
Sat Jan 11 11:28:05 EST 2014

Hi Ewa

Regarding .000 directories, is this only for float diagnostic output or for all output?
and make sure   mdsioLocalDir   is not set to anything in your data file…if you have it set to
  mdsioLocalDir = '.', 
that would explain what you are getting.

Regarding .metas -- is it only some timesteps, or is it only some types of output? 

Finally -- have you made any changes to the default code -- the relevant routines would likely be


On Jan 11, 2014, at 7:59 AM, Ewa Katarzyna Karczewska <ekk29 at cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'm using the flt package in an offline run.
> I've noticed that the float_trajectories.xxx.xxx.data output files are put into the hidden
> subdirectories (.0xxx/ )in my /run folder. Why is that? Which setting
> should I change so that the subdirectories the output files are written
> to are not hidden?
> Also, I'm getting .meta files only for some of the output files
> (float_trajectories.xxx.xxx.data), can I change it?
> Please let me know if you need more detailed information on how I set my
> parameters etc.
> Best,
> Ewa
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