[MITgcm-support] coupler time averages writing frequency

Alexandre Pohl alexandre.pohl at lsce.ipsl.fr
Fri Jan 10 12:35:24 EST 2014

Hi all,

I am running the coupled MITgcm, and I have problems with the outputs. I first tried to use the meta/data output format, but the huge number of files that it produces exceeds my limitations in only 10 model-years (> 2Mo inodes). 

To solve my problem, I then decided to switch to MNC (netcdf) outputs. This time, the number of produced files is correct for me, but the model is so slow! 

I think that in each case, the main problem is the high writing frequency for the coupler time-averaged outputs. It creates a large number of meta/data files, and requires a lot of writing time when running the model with netcdf outputs.

I am thus wondering if there is a way to reduce the coupler time averages writing frequency. I found no similar flag, contrary to the ocean and atmosphere that have this option in their input/data file… Or maybe somebody has another solution?

Thank you in advance,

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