[MITgcm-support] command line append to INCLUDEDIRS (aside from mpif.h location)

Daniel Goldberg dngoldberg at gmail.com
Fri Feb 21 05:05:12 EST 2014

Hi All,

Simple question, but one I couldn't answer for myself from the genmake2
error message -- if i would like to use an external library (e.g. a
compiled shared version of ODEPACK) and would like to append the location
of the header file to the INCLUDEDIRS variable in the Makefile, is there a
command-line arg to genmake2 for this? I know setting the MPI_INC_DIR
environment var will take care of mpif.h, but is there a more generic

Thanks very much


Daniel Goldberg, PhD
Lecturer in Glaciology
School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh
Geography Building, Drummond Street, Edinburgh EH8 9XP

em: D <dgoldber at mit.edu>an.Goldberg at ed.ac.uk
web: http://ocean.mit.edu/~dgoldberg
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