[MITgcm-support] Compiling MITgcm on NCAR's Yellowstone

Valerie Bennington benesh at wisc.edu
Fri Sep 6 14:56:51 EDT 2013

I am wondering if any other MITgcm users are (or have been) compiling and running MITgcm on NCAR's Yellowstone. I am trying to create an optfile with the appropriate compilers (MPIF77 and  MPICC). I am not sure how to properly provide the INCLUDES for the Yellowstone machine (INCLUDES='-I/opt/ibmhpc/pecurrent/mpich2/intel/include64 -I/glade/u/apps/opt/netcdf-mpi/4.2/intel/default/include') or the libraries ('-L/glade/u/apps/opt/netcdf-mpi/4.2/intel/default/lib -lnetcdf'). Does anyone have an optfile they are willing to share? 


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