[MITgcm-support] changing the MIToceangcm grid size

Jody Klymak jklymak at uvic.ca
Mon Jun 17 16:58:19 EDT 2013

Hi Neil,

There are examples of gendata.m in the various verification/ directories (i.e. ./adjustment.cs-32x32x1/input/gendata.m).  The biggest gotchya is to make sure you specify the endian-ness of your data files properly in the "fopen" function.  A quick way to double check is to run the model for a couple of timesteps, and then read in the DEPTH file (or whereever it is inside your netCDF file if you are using NETcdf).

Cheers,   Jody

On Jun 17, 2013, at  13:15 PM, Neil Patel <nigellius at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Martin Losch for your help answering my question Friday. I'm not getting the errors from no initial fields for temperature and salinity anymore, one of the modifications I made I kept making must have created that error. I thought I had checked with a fresh copy, but I must have made a mistake.
> Now, I'm trying to create a setup run using tutorial_global_oce_latlon as a starting point. To change my grid size for an MPI run, I changed the parameters in input/data and (dxSpacing & dySpacing to 1 and increased Nx and Ny by 4 in SIZE.h_mpi. I got an error about a problem with bathymetry.bin, I assume it was because the binary input files were made for a 90°x45° grid?
> How would I create input files of the correct size? I have a copy of MATLAB, the MITgcm manual mentions gendata.m to create binary files in the right format. I can't find a copy of it. Where should I look? Or should I use something else?
> Thanks,
> Neil
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Jody Klymak    

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