[MITgcm-support] Problem for the MITgcm parallelized compilation

François Lefeuvre francois.lefeuvre at gmail.com
Wed Apr 10 05:14:27 EDT 2013

Dear all,

I am a M2 student which is doing an internship. I need to use the MITgcm
code in order to solve my problem. Actually, for now, I am testing the
verification cases which are given in the *.tar file* that I have
downloaded. So, I chose two examples and I managed to run both. But now, I
want to parallelize the computation because it will be needed for my
problem. Thus, I changed the *nPx/nPy* number in the *SIZE.h file*. Then, I
checked the *option file* that I have to put when I compile the code with
genmake2 (I read the HOW TO manual and changed a little bit one of the
files which has been made for the most similar machine that is to say I
changed directories of MPIrun libraries and includes), and followed the
instruction of the *Building with MPI* part. Moreover, I run these two
codes locally, so I don't need any script. The result is that I manage to
compile the code but when I want to execute it, it doesn't work.

The last command I launch and the message error I get for the intenal_waves
example is :
    lefeuvre at sheena:~/MITgcm_c64f/verification/internal_wave/build> mpirun
-np 2 ./mitgcmuv > output.txt
    At line 2128 of file mdsio_read_field.f (unit = 9, file = 'topog.slope')
    Fortran runtime error: Non-existing record number

The last command I launch and the message error I get for the
tutorial_baroclinic_gyre example is :
    lefeuvre at sheena:~/MITgcm_c64f/verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/build>
mpirun -np 2 ./mitgcmuv > output.txt

I don't know in which way I need to look for errors. According to you,
Where does the problem may come from?
- The parallelization
- Some compiler problem
- The input/data file
- something else
Are these two errors linked?

Sorry for my english and thank you for help, sincerely François Lefeuvre.
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