[MITgcm-support] cubed sphere: init format, subdomains and tiles

Maura BRUNETTI Maura.Brunetti at unige.ch
Mon May 7 08:41:32 EDT 2012

Dear MITgcm users, 

I am testing different cubed sphere configurations. I have constructed initial conditions in the 
format (60x6x60) (i.e. bathymetry [60 6 60], Levitus climatology [60 6 60  nr=15], ncep files 
and Levitus relaxation [60 6 60 nt=12]): in the first experiment, I use 6 procs (sNx =sNy =60, 
nSx =1, nPx=6), while in the second experiment I use 24 procs (sNx = sNy = 30,  nSx =1, nPx =24). 
Thus, the subdomain dimension (sNx,sNy) and the number of tiles change in the 2 experiments. 
I have compiled the 2 experiments with the corresponding  W2_EXCH2_SIZE.h and 
w2_e2setup.F files, obtained by driver.m. 

Since I obtain different results with the 2 configurations, I am trying to understand where the error 
is ... Is it correct to use the same initial files in the format (60x6x60) for the 2 experiments? 

At the end of the second experiment, I obtain arrays of the format (720x30) (for example, 
the temperature has the following dimension: [720 30 15 4] after 4 output). So they are not in 
the standard format (60*6 60). I have found a possible way to convert this format in the standard 
one, but I am not sure that it is correct... Is there a matlab file which properly reshape the array in 
the standard format (just using t = reshape(t,[360 60 15 4]) is not sufficient...)



Dr. Maura Brunetti
Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE)
University of Geneva -- Switzerland

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