[MITgcm-support] Initial hydrog/bathy-Files and CS-grid

Maura BRUNETTI Maura.Brunetti at unige.ch
Thu Feb 23 10:29:12 EST 2012


I would like to use the cubed sphere configuration for paleoclimate simulations. For this I need to create bathyFile, hydrogThetaFile and hydrogSaltFile on the cubed sphere for different past bathymetries.  
In other words, I would like to know how to create files analogous to bathy_cs32.bin, lev_S_cs_15k.bin, lev_T_cs_15k.bin in MITgcm/verification/global_ocean.cs32x15/input for different bathymetries.

I know that the exf package allows us to interpolate on the curvilinear grid, and indeed I use this package for interpolating all the surface boundary conditions (uvwind, swdown, precip, etc) on the cubed-sphere grid. Is it possible to use this package for interpolating bathyFile and hydrogTheta/SaltFile on the cubed sphere? How do I need to set parameters in data and data.exf? Or what do you suggest to use? 

Many thanks, 



Maura Brunetti
Institute for Environmental Sciences (ISE)
University of Geneva

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