[MITgcm-support] Wind Stress files : not properly read by the model

himansu pradhan oceancalling at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 03:12:06 EDT 2011

Hi MITgcm users,

I have been trying to simulate internal waves. I have provided both zonal
and meridional wind stress files. The current flow pattern (flow vectors)
shockingly remained the same (even after i have changed direction of wind
........) .

Finally i run the model with "no wind stress" (files) resulting in the same
flow pattern as before .....!!!!!!!!

1. I feel i have not yet turned on some flags that will allow wind stress
effect on the surface of the water body.....or something like
that............ do help...... ( i am using checkpoint62s).

2. the other matter of concern is ........ am i plotting right in matlab
(using "rdmds.m") ?
The script that i use :

u=rdmds('U',15000);                      % any time step(15000)
v2=squeeze(v(:,:,1));                     % horizontal data at the 1st
[x y]=meshgrid(1:157,1:133);        % creating a meshgrid (157*133 matrix)

I have attached my "data" file , packages.conf and CPP_OPTIONS.h for more

Any suggestions/help are appreciated.

With Regards,
Himansu Kesari Pradhan
PhD student
Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi
New Delhi, India
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