[MITgcm-support] EXCH2 grid parameter question clarification

Michael Siccha michael.siccha at mail.huji.ac.il
Wed Nov 2 16:51:43 EDT 2011

Dear all,
first of all I am sorry for having formulated my question so awkwardly.
I will be more precise this time.
I am running a regional model of the Red Sea using MPI and (among
others) the EXCH2 package in a single facet configuration. My grid is
subdivided into 32 tiles, 8 in the horizontal and 4 in the vertical,
comprising the area between ~ 10°N,32°E and ~ 30°N,47°E. Due to the
geometry of the Red Sea I have 17 blank tiles. In order to conform with
the EXCH2 package my SIZE.h file declares the 15 wet tiles as 15
processes in x direction, as nPx=15. The model runs nicely, the output
files show a geometrically correct Red Sea and the data obtained make
sense on the first glance (not much data yet), but when I read the
automatically generated grid parameter files ('XC', 'YC',...) the
latitudinal coordinates of ALL tiles lie in the range of 10°N and 15°N,
that is the lowermost row of my grid (as declared in SIZE.h), while they
should of course span the full range between 10°N and 30°. Similarly are
the grid cell face areas all computed with these coordinates and only
correct in the lowermost row of my grid. The listing of grid parameters
in the output text file of the executable is the same as in the
described files. No type of output method (useSingleCpuIo, GlobalFiles,
or the standard setting of individual files for each tile) changes the
So my question is whether there is way to obtain the correct global grid
cell parameters as output while using EXCH2 ?
I am using the 'rA' variable in some code modifications and am (just
slightly) worried whether the model uses the correct values...
Thanks in advance
Michael Siccha

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