[MITgcm-support] 2d pressure solver bdy condition

Matthew Mazloff mmazloff at ucsd.edu
Thu May 12 12:38:18 EDT 2011

Hi Aurelien,

Yes, I  believe that the bc on the obc for eta is eta = div u where  
div u is only from tangential velocity -- normal velocity is made  
divergenceless.  Though what might happen on the obc is that  
tangential velocity divergence is overwritten and eta is then set to  
zero -- don't remember exactly.  You can check in, I think,  
solve_for_pressure.   However, through some niceties of the c-grid I  
don't think any of this really comes into play in the dynamics  
though.....at least, when sponge layers are off it doesn't really come  
into play

Anyway, after a talk with JMC about a similar issue, I feel that the  
way to solve your issue is to not use obcs sponge layers, but instead  
apply sponges with rbcs.  Thus obcs will prescribe the obcs you want,  
and rbcs will restore to the smooth solution you want.....

Im at SIO if you wanna talk today


On May 12, 2011, at 9:22 AM, Aurelien L Ponte wrote:

> hi,
> I am running a tidal simulation in realistic domain.
> The simulation uses a linear implicit free surface pressure method.
> u/v are prescribed at the open boundaries but I would like to  
> prescribe
> the sea level as well.
> The reason is that the sea level is a sensitive function of the flow
> at the boundaries and hence difficult to get right.
> I do not see any simple way of doing that.
> The only solution I can think of would be to modify the boundary
> conditions of the 2d pressure solver.
> Would anybody know what the current boundary condition are ( deta/ 
> t=div u ?)  ?
> Could I use instead boundary conditions of the Dirichtlet type  
> (eta=eta_prescribed) along open boundaries ?
> Thanks
> Aurelien
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