[MITgcm-support] what's the difference between U, V, W, salt in data.diagnostic and the output result

Chun-Yan Zhou c.zhou at dundee.ac.uk
Thu Mar 24 13:13:27 EDT 2011

Dear Martin,
 Thanks for your help. I have tried as you suggested and can reproduce U,V,W with diagnostics package.
 And if I want to add a new 2D array such as bottom shear stress which is calculated from velocity, and want to output it. I suppose it can be done through data.diagnostic, because its structure just like ETAN. And I know that I have to modify the diagnostics_add2list, but I can't understand well. Is there any examples?
 Many thanks!

Message: 1
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 16:32:35 +0100
From: Martin Losch <Martin.Losch at awi.de>
To: mitgcm-support at mitgcm.org
Subject: Re: [MITgcm-support] what's the difference between U, V, W,
salt in data.diagnostic and the output result
Message-ID: <839AE782-F849-46C2-B52E-42498078C55F at awi.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; CHARSET=US-ASCII


the values in the dynDiag file are averages, with the averagin period specified by this line:
frequency(2) = 864000.,
to 10-day averages, while the other output (either in state.*.nc or in the *.data/meta files) are snapshots (frequency is controlled by dumpFreq in "data"). To reproduce this with diagnostics package you need to use a negative frequency (to get snapshots) and also a non-default "output phase" (by default the output is at the center of teh interval, so for frequency(2)=-864000., the first output would be after 5 days, the second after 10, etc). I think that timePhase(2) = 864000., would do the job, but please check with documentation.

btw, uvelmass is u*hfacw, and vvelmass is v*hfacs


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