[MITgcm-support] rdmds.m: how to read a given field in a multi-field file?

Menemenlis, Dimitris (3248) Dimitris.Menemenlis at jpl.nasa.gov
Sun Mar 13 17:43:14 EDT 2011

Alastair, in example below you expect
(8*Nr + 3) records
since there are 8 3D field and 3 2D fields.
Nr is the vertical dimension.
I assume that Nr=5 in your example below?

On Mar 13, 2011, at 1:37 PM, Alastair McKinstry wrote:

> I think I gave a bad example, as the above has both 3 records and 3 fields.
> A better example is:
> octave:1> [AA,ITER,MM]=rdmds('pickup.ckptA');
> octave:2> MM
> MM =  nDims = [ 2 ]; dimList = [ 192 32 ]; dataprec = [ 'float64' ]; nrecords = [ 43 ]; timeStepNumber = [ 144 ]; timeInterval = [ 8.640000000000E+04 ]; nFlds = [ 11 ]; fldList = { 'Uvel    ' 'Vvel    ' 'Theta   ' 'Salt    ' 'GuNm1   ' 'GvNm1   ' 'GtNm1   ' 'GsNm1   ' 'EtaN    ' 'dEtaHdt ' 'EtaH    ' }; 
> octave:3> ITER
> ITER = -1
> octave:4> size(AA)
> ans =
>    192    32    43
> This has 43 records but 11 fields. I think the squeeze example above works to pick out the records, but not the fields.

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